Removing the volts front seats.

Our Volt didn't come with heated seats. For what we paid for the car we were willing to over look it. But it doesn't mean we didn't want them. We decided to add some after market seat heaters. To remove the seat from the car: The seat belt needs to be disconnected from the seat. to do that pry out the little circle on the plastic bit that connects the belt to the seat. See the picture below. Note how the cap stays attached at the bottom. Remove the bolt in the center remove the plastic half. Then simply remove the metal tab that the belt attaches. Might need to slide it down slightly to get it out. You may also might want to remove the head rest. It will give more clearance for removing the seat. Raise the headrest then remove the plastic bezels at the base of the posts by rotating them counter clockwise. To remove the headrest from the seat there is a latch on both posts that must ...