Motor mount done

Well here is the motor mount. It attaches to the 2 side bolts on the motor and 2 of the front bolts. I'm attaching it to the crossmember using using 2 existing holes. I used 2 rubber transmission mounts instead of motor mounts as they are smaller and this motor is lighter than the gas engine. I also didn't go with the ICE engine motor mounts and locations as I wanted to leave room on the side of the motor for another battery. I think it turned out well. Location is good being Dead center and level.
Oh wire arrived today. Looks nice and beefy (4/0) and is quite flexible.
I need to select and find a place to buy the fuse, circuit breaker and shunt.
Oh wire arrived today. Looks nice and beefy (4/0) and is quite flexible.
I need to select and find a place to buy the fuse, circuit breaker and shunt.
The motor mount I think will work out great. I am a mechanical engineer and use to design weldments as a job years ago. Did not do any analysis on this structure, other than rough numbers for the force that'll be applied at the mount points, but it should be plenty strong. And small is light and more room for the batteries. Oh and it was only about $10 in materials.
The wire looks bigger in the picture than it really is. Measured the OD and it's roughly .85 so sounds pretty standard for 4/0 wire. Maybe it looks large because my 9yr old boy is holding it and the camera angle. I was trying to show how small each strand was in the picture. I've attached another. Seems like good wire and is flexible. And the pricing was reasonable. Here is a post that I read before buying the wire
The box and wire had on it but I didn't see online ordering but there was a phone number.
Also attached a pic of the engine bay. And I'm working on uploading a video of it runing on 12V.
Wiring is from "trystar" I purchased from coppercableman on e-bay. 4/0 WELDING - BATTERY CABLE 50 FT NEW - MADE IN USA
Looks like good wire and was available in Orange.
Purchased my wire lugs at
Item# 36452 #4/0 x 3/8" stud ring connector tinned copper $1.50 I bought 52 of them.
This is agreat project to see!
ReplyDeleteI am very interested to find out what kind of range and performance you will achieve from this project. Good Job!
Jack Slater